
Showing posts from 2009


AMAZING ENGLISH A treasure house that reflects all the fascinating yet resplendent facts of English Language The book gives you maximum examples of enticing, intriguing and perplexing wonders of English Language. Palindromes (Palingram) Semordnilap (Reversable words) Pangrams (Holalphabetic) Word Puzzles and Word quiz Quiz on Alphabets Numbers and Alphabets Consecutive Letters Uncommon Double letters Beautiful (And Not-so-beautiful words) Most frequent Appearance of a Letter in a single word) Quiz on Vowels and Consonants Riddles on Authors Riddles on Cities Riddles More Puzzles Tongue Twisters Anagrams Antigrams Kangaroo Words Words in a Word (Contained words) Anniversaries and Jubilees) Movements of Animals and Birds Young ones of Animals List of Gender Names Collective Nouns Spoonerisms Malapropisms Hyperbole Euphemism Dysphemisms Oxymoron Onomatopoeia Words Describing the Sounds of Animals and Birds Specific Actions Characteristics associat...


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